Thursday, November 12, 2009

What is Hot??? A Theory of Relativity

27 October 2009
I recently discovered that incessantly comparing the weather of the place where you are living, as compared to the “magical” seemingly always perfect weather of where you’ve been before, is a part of culture shock. It was good to find out I am normal, because it seems that the hot topic of discussion these days is the heat. Marie and I, coming from northern-most States, have lamented time and again that we miss the fall leaves changing, that we would like some cooler weather, and just how nice it really would be to put on a sweater once again. While I’m sure that many of you would LOVE to change places with me right now, I am finding it harder than I would have guessed to completely skip the autumn and winter seasons this year. (I came at the end of “winter” here in Tanzania, and we’re now in Spring heading towards the season of summer.)

The deal is, it is hot. And I, personally, have always enjoyed cuddling up with a good book in front of a raging fire. The problem is, the fire-source here in Africa is the SUN. You step into it and realize that you are weary, hot, and worn down from the very rays that hit your skin. And I’m definitely not going to snuggle up with a good book in the hot outdoors… unless, of course, the power is off. Then the front porch is a great place to catch the latest breeze!

In our multiple discussions of Marie and my northern-most family and friends, vs Elaine’s family and upbringing in Florida, we’ve been reminded of just how relative “heat” really is. For Michiganders in the spring, 60 degrees is short and T-shirt weather. For Floridians, that’s the time to bundle up – its getting cold! And as we pass by our compound guards in their heavy winter coat, hat, mittens, and pants first thing in the morning (it’s probably 80 degrees F, just for reference!), we have to laugh. It seems that the epidemic of being cold in hot climates is uncontrollable. I just wish, for myself, that this problem would hit me!

Last week, as I talked with a secretary at our school, she mentioned just how hot it has been getting. I have to admit, I appreciate when Tanzanians complain about the heat, because it makes me realize I really am not completely crazy! She went on to say how 2 months ago, it was freezing (getting down into the 70s), and now it’s already hot. They all think I’m crazy that I think the upper 70s with a cool breeze sounds LOVELY!!!

In talking with my mom the other day, she asked how the weather was. (It’s hard to tell, since the weather usually doesn’t change the temp for 2-3 weeks at a time…) I said warm but not too bad. It wasn’t until I told her the temp that I realized how much my perspective has changed. Yes, it is VERY hot and muggy… but I can’t let myself think that way. It’s only spring – summer is coming, and it’s going to be a long trying one at that!

1 comment:

  1. How quickly we adapt and change to "new normal." Blessings on you!!
