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Just a few of the people who bring smiles to my heart around the world... and whose pictures just happened to be handy on my computer. |
Last night, my roommate was told “you can’t have that many best friends!” Well, maybe not best friends, but she’s a lot like me. Once you’ve lived overseas, moved a few times, and have lived in various places, especially as a single, it gets to be a bit complicated. I remember arriving in Kalamazoo last year on furlough and realizing that, at that moment, I had amazing friends in cities all over the world, but not a single close friend that I could call to go to dinner. (A couple of friends from Kalamazoo were away, but still. It was lonely.)
I’m not saying that I need more friends – nor that I don’t want any more. It’s just a weird phenomenon. And, it’s typical, from what I read. In the book Third Culture Kids, it talks about how many kids who have grown up overseas have a FB friend list a mile long and how they realize at some point that they just can’t keep up with them all like they want to. It’s sad – missing out on the lives of those with whom you’ve grown close. And it’s amazing – realizing that you’ve gotten to meet and be a small part of this many amazing people’s lives! It’s hard, to continue to get close when you know it’ll end in goodbye. And it’s easy – to fall into close relationships quickly when you’re surrounded by stressful difficulties and need to lean on one another for everything from medicine to bug spray to food to a place to go and cry on someone’s shoulder.
It’s weird. It’s crazy. It’s life. My life. And while there are many times when I’ve asked, “who decided this was a good idea, anyway?” I can honestly say that most days, I’m incredibly thankful for the journey God has put me on. And more than anything, I am reminded that my home – my real home – is in heaven, where tears and goodbyes will be finished and I’ll get to worship around the throne with my 394 best friends – and a million other amazing people I never got the chance to meet – from all around the world! :)
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